Well, here is the second chapter of Kevin. I am learning a lot as I write this story and this web page. The look of the story may change as I learn more about HTML programming. Again, Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Welcome at Austin_184@yahoo.com
This story is about gay love between teenagers. If you are under 18 and/or should not be viewing such material or if the subject matter offends you click here. Otherwise read on.
It was almost 3 o'clock and I was rushing around the house trying to get everything cleaned up. I knew that I had to pick Kevin up by 3 and I didn't want to be late, but I didn't want him to see my house as a mess when he came over for the first time. The more time I spent with him during the week the more I was sure that he was gay. I was also sure that I didn't want to screw things up if he wasn't gay. I like him as a friend and I think he feels the same. The last thing I want is for him to find that I am gay and become weirder out by it. I had a fun day planned and since my mom wasn't going to be home all weekend, and my dad didn't live with us anymore, he would spend the night. Finally satisfied that everything was clean, I left for Kevin's house. It was about a 10 mile drive and only took about 10 minutes because traffic on the highway was light. I pulled up to the address he gave me and there he was standing out front with his bag in his hand. He threw his bag into the back of my truck and climbed into the cab.
"Hey Kev!" I greeted him.
"Hey Austin!" He answered back.
"You ready to go?"
"Yep. I am anxious to see your house and meet your dogs", He said. I had told him that I had two Dalmatians and he said that they were his favorite breed.
The drive back to my house was a short one. We got out and he grabbed his bag as I unlocked the front door.
"Let me show you around." I said as we entered the living room.
"This is the living room. Right behind that with the window are the dining room and the kitchen. Down the hallway is the bathroom, my mom and brother's room and at the end of the hall on the right is my room and the left is the bathroom." We then proceeded through the kitchen and into the den. "This is the den and through the sliding glass door is the backyard. And here are my dogs Toby and Shasha"
"Oh wow! They're brown spotted!" He exclaimed.
"Oh yeah...guess I forgot to mention that. It is rare. Only about 5% of the breed have brown spots."
We left the den and sat down in the living room. "So what do you wanna do? I've got the new Wrestlemania 2000 game! Want to play me!" I asked.
"Sure!" He answered.
I left the room to get the game and when I came back he was kinda starring at the picture of me my mom had hung on the wall. I was starting to feel kind of nervous as the questions and doubts started racing through my mind. How would I tell him? What would I tell him? Did he feel about me the way I feel about him? I had to stop and chuckle a little. The differences between being gay and being straight aren't that many. A boy asks himself the mist of the same questions about a girl that he asks himself about another boy. A bit ironic, don't you think?
I must have started giggling out loud, because he turned and with a grin asked, "What's so funny?"
A little embarrassed and a bit surpassed I stumbled as I searched for my explanation "Um.uh. Nothing. You wouldn't understand."
I had to find a way to broach the subject of his sexuality, but I didn't want him to think I was odd, or gay myself, if that would offend him. I was getting a good vibe from him and I am sure that he liked me as a friend now (even though I was kicking his ass at Wrestlmania 2000!). I have pretty good instincts when it comes to this subject. I guess you could say I had a pretty well developed gay-dar. Then I had an idea!
"So how are you doing in your classes this year? Taken sex Ed yet?", I asked.
"Not too bad, and yeah I have taken sex ed. Kind of a cool class.", he answered.
"What did they teach you guys? My teacher discussed homosexuality and all the guys kinda freaked! Not me though. I really don't mind gay people", I said. I hoped I wasn't taking too much of a chance and also hoped that I wasn't being too obvious.
He smiled. God he was cute when he smiled. His eyes shined and his mouth caught at the edges of his teeth. He had a pair of dimples too. I think I am falling for him.
"Yeah my teacher talked about gays too. Most of the guys in my class had the same reaction. And I agree with you. I don't mind gay people either", he replied.
Ah, a ray of hope had shown through my dark cloud. I was hoping that this means what I think it means.
"Do you know any gay people?" I asked.
"Yeah", he slowly answered.
I stared into his eyes. I was drawn into them. It was like staring into the sea. I was drowning in his eyes. As much as I stared into Kevin's eyes I couldn't help but notice that he was doing the same. I could smell him. He smelled of cinnamon and perspiration. He smelled the way only a teenage boy can. I slowly edged forward, not noticing anything else in the room. The video game and television no longer existed in my world. There were only two people in my universe at that moment, Kevin and I. I leaned closer to him. It was almost in slow motion. I never left his eyes. My lips touched his, and I closed my eyes and just kissed him. It was the sweetest thing I had ever experienced. I moved away from him and saw that he looked frightened.
"Was that ok? I asked.
"Shut Up" He said.
He leaned in and started kissing me again. Where as our first kiss was reserved, this one was full of passion. I opened my mouth to receive his tongue. I swirled my tongue around inside his mouth as we slid to the floor. I pulled up his shirt and caressed his warm body. He softly moaned into my mouth. I reached moved my hand up his shirt and started to play with the nipples I had lusted after for a week straight. I started to tweak his nipples and he moaned a little louder this time and arched his back up off of the floor.
I stopped what I was doing and backed away from him. "Let's take this slow ok?"
"Ok" he answered.
We went and sat down in the living room and started to talk...
That is the end of Part II. My first attempt at any type of gay love writing. If you have any Questions? Comment? Suggestions? I would love to hear from you at Austin_184@yahoo.com Thanks for your support. I have the week off for Thanksgiving so I will be writing the next few chapters quickly. I also plan to start a few one time only stories. Please tell your friends of the site.
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