02-05-01 YEAH!! KEVIN Part 3 is officially here! I finally decided to quit dicking with it and let the story write itself. Expect a new GABF soon. I am also trying to recruit writers. If you are interested visit the contact page. See ya'll later! 01-10-01 Quietly was added today. A change of pace, but it was a lot of fun to write. I realized that I seriously lacking content. Also I can't seem to get rid of that damn pass-it-on guest gear. Oh well. You should try the message board. 12-31-00 The holiday links section is gone! If you really want to see it you can email me for the URL. Life has gotten in the way but I promise that the next chapters of Kevin and G.A.B.F. are on the way...be patient please. 12-16-00 Added my Top 104 of the Y2K thanks to David Letterman. I am a fan of list humor and thought you would enjoy it. It will only be here for a short while though. 12-15-00 Thanks to P2oldi I found out that the Kevin Series was on the fritz. I was trying something new (That I thought was working) and it didn't work right. I will fix it and then update. For now though I have the stories back and ready to read. Expect an update later tonight (10:00 Pm PST or so) 12-14-00 Added the holiday links section...started work on the next chapter of "Get Another Boyfriend" Should finish it and Kevin 3 this weekend. 12-13-00 Added my message board to the page today. Wrote a little bit about myself too. I am having trouble with the next chapter of Kevin. It doesn't help that I seem him everyday and I want to just make him mine. I am enjoying the work on "Get Another Boyfriend". It is turning out to be a very cool story. Comicality wrote me the other day. I am really happy with all the support I am getting from CyberSpace, and If you haven't read Comicality's "Gone From Daylight" I suggest that you do...WOW! Thats all for now.